October 27th 2021: Tara practice
October 29th to 31st 2021: Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche kindly gives a teaching on the Unmistaken Instruction of the Meaning of Practice from Dharma King Terdag Lingpa’s Drops of Nectar of Advice given to his disciples.
This teaching presents the main points of Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana, including the Dzogchen teachings. It presents the deep and profound subject in a few words. This special instruction is beneficial for all kinds of Buddhist practitioners, whether high, middle or beginner. For whoever studies and practices these teachings, its many profound essential points will be very meaningful and helpful to their everyday lives, and will bring them from joy to joy. Therefore, it is very important to arrange time to receive these teachings.
Dharma king Terdag Lingpa was one of the greatest treasure revealers, the founder of the Mindrolling lineage, one of the main figures in the non-sectarian movement, and holder of the lineages of all the Tibetan Buddhist schools.
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche is a reincarnation of the Tibetan master Rogza Sonam Palge and the spiritual director of Danakosha Ling center in Finland. He has received teachings from the most prominent Buddhist teachers of our time, such as Kyabje Mindrolling Trichen Rinpoche and Kyabje Tsetrul Rinpoche. He has graduated from Mindrolling Monastery’s college as a certified holder of sutric and tantric teachings.
Wednesday October 27th:
10:00 Practice
14:30 Practice
Friday October 29th:
19:00 Teaching
Saturday October 30th and Sunday October 31st:
10:00 Teaching
14:00 Teaching
You can participate online in Zoom or locally at Danakosha Ling, Forssantie 37, Jokioinen.
The Tara practice day, Wednesday, is free of charge. For the weekend the participation fee is 130 €, or 100 € for members, unemployed and students. Meals are included in the price. One night of accommodation costs 30€, or 22€ for members, or 11€ for room donors. Please pay the participation fee by October 20th by bank transfer to the following account, and send a photo or a screenshot of the receipt of the payment to us. Please pay for accommodation in cash in arrival.
Recipient: Danakosha Ling
IBAN: FI9240553020137451
Reference number: 2228
Please register by October 20th by filling the form at https://forms.gle/J98wv6jq7qjTkS7H9