Archive of past news
International Konchog Chidu Drubchod Retreat December 26th - January 1st |
Summer course: Bodhicharyavatara July 6th - July 16th |
Midsummer in Rangjung Ösel June 19th |
Saga Dawa festival June 14th |
Gothenburg, Sweden June 3rd - June 5th |
Gjerrild, Denmark May 23rd - May 29th |
International Konchog Chidu Drubchod Retreat at Danakosha Ling December 26th - January 1st |
Lha Bab Duchen Festival: Tara Practice and a Teaching on Dharma King Terdag Lingpa's Advice October 27th - October 31st |
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche gives daily teachings online September 8th - October 28th |
Tulku Dakpa Rinpoche teaches mindfulness September 7th - October 26th |